Both vitamins and supplements are natural, safe and effective remedies that help you treat and prevent acne breakouts. Vitamins are essential elements for your body’s health, even though you only need small amounts. Some of them can actually keep you skin clean and pimples-free. Below, you will find a list of the most effective vitamins for acne that you should consider.
The Best Vitamins for Acne You Should Try
1. [easyazon_link identifier=”B001B4P0I6″ locale=”US” tag=”beautifu0f2-20″]Vitamin A[/easyazon_link]
This vitamin works miracles due to its antioxidant properties. Retinol, which is an element contained in vitamin A has always been recommended by doctors as a way to treat acne topically. If you lack this vitamin, your skin will become inflamed, and you will experience acne breakouts. It will calm redness, and soreness, and it will reduce all the acne symptoms.
2. [easyazon_link identifier=”B000I4AIUK” locale=”US” tag=”beautifu0f2-20″]Nicotinamide[/easyazon_link]
This is a form of vitamin B3, also known as niacin. With it, you can treat acne topically. If your acne is mild or moderate, nicotinamide gel can effectively treat it in only eight weeks. Oral nicotinamide seems to be effective too, although there are still studies to be made to confirm all these results. Both oral and gel solutions have strong anti-inflammatory properties. This is one of the best vitamins for acne.
3. [easyazon_link identifier=”B00780JJKM” locale=”US” tag=”beautifu0f2-20″]Vitamin E[/easyazon_link]
Due to its antioxidant capacity, this vitamin helps restore your skin’s smoothness and reduces acne breakouts. Vitamin E also regenerates tissue in order to repair wounds. However, researches are still made as we speak, to discover more about the effects of this vitamin on acne problems. In the years to come, more information will be disclosed.
4. [easyazon_link identifier=”B001GAOGC6″ locale=”US” tag=”beautifu0f2-20″]Vitamin C[/easyazon_link]
Everyone knows how good vitamin C is for a lot of problems such as colds and low immunity. What you might not know is the fact that this element is also great for acne. It is a powerful antioxidant that fights against free radicals and protects the skin. Moreover, it boosts collagen production and creates a barrier against toxins. Vitamin C can even reduce or eliminate acne scars due to its pigmentation prevention.
5. [easyazon_link identifier=”B004XLRTUQ” locale=”US” tag=”beautifu0f2-20″]Vitamin D[/easyazon_link]
Many people know this element as the sunshine vitamin because your body processes it only to sunlight exposure. From all the vitamin D types, only D3 and D2 are used as supplements. Both of them help strengthen your bones, and they can be found in foods such as mushrooms, eggs, fatty fish and even beef livers. As one of the best vitamins for acne, vitamin D prevents infections and lowers sebum production.
Wrapping It Up
Acne and pimples can be a really annoying condition and can even lower your self-confidence. This is why we wanted to help you find the best solutions for your skin condition. All of the above vitamins for acne are a natural and effective treatment and remedy that fight against free radicals and treat or prevent acne breakouts as well as acne scars.
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