Winter eczema, also known as winter itch, can be quite troublesome to deal with. These itchy rashes are already bad enough to begin with, but flare-ups during the cold season amplify their effects. So, if you struggle with winter eczema, here are some of the simplest and most effective ways to treat it.
6 Ways to Treat Winter Eczema
The main thing you need to keep in mind is that the number one factor which causes winter eczema is skin dryness. Knowing this, it becomes clearer why flare-ups so frequently occur during wintertime. Outside, the air is cold and dry. Inside, the air is also dry, except the cause is now indoor heating. What is the logical solution, then?
#1 Moisturize Your Skin
You should always keep a bottle of moisturizer nearby and apply it at least twice every day. Most importantly, you should especially moisturize after you get out of the shower. This way, you’ll ensure that the moisturize stays locked in and your skin stays hydrated for longer times.
#2 Avoid Hot Water
Another way to fade away dryness from your skin is by avoiding baths and showers which use hot water. The heat further enhances your skin’s dryness. Instead, opt for lukewarm water whenever you can, even though it definitely is rather tempting to turn the heat all the way up when it’s so cold.
#3 Get a Humidifier
You can care for your skin even when you’re sleeping as long as you keep a humidifier on your tableside. Humidity in your home should be somewhere between 45% and 50% to ensure proper hydration. The best part is that owning a [easyazon_link identifier=”B013IJPTFK” locale=”US” tag=”beautifu0f2-20″]humidifier[/easyazon_link] has even more benefits, so it’s definitely worth looking into getting one.
#4 Slip on Your Gloves
Whenever you step outside, you would do well to make sure that your hands are sheltered from the drying effects of cold weather. Eczema on your hands can cause blisters, peeling, and other unsightly ailments. However, if you can, avoid wool gloves and go for leather ones instead. Wool can cause itches and rashes, which is the opposite of what you want.
#5 Soothe with Cold Compresses
In the most extreme of cases, your eczema-affected areas will also be swollen and warm. Soothe them down with a wet cloth, dampened with cold water. Gently press it over your affected area and wet it again when it starts getting warm.
#6 Treat Your Skin Sensitively
Because your skin really is sensitive during these times. Avoid harsh anti-bacterial soaps and go for gentler ones instead. Wash your clothes with a chemical and perfume-free detergent destined for sensitive skin. Steer clear of irritants, such as factors that can cause allergic reactions.
Wrapping Up
Winter eczema is a problem that can easily evolve from a quickly-curable itch to a problem that can have you struggling to fall asleep. You should definitely follow these tips for the sake of your skin, but you know what they say: the best solution is prevention. Thus, remember to moisturize, stay hydrated, and to protect your skin.