Whoever thinks deodorant has only been used recently by modern people, should open a history book as soon as possible. In fact, the use of this product has been documented back to the ancient Sumerian people, the inventors of the world’s first written language, among other things. But when it comes to actual, modern deodorant, people should know that it started changing social lives back in 1888. It was, back then, in the form of a cream which people needed to apply with their hands to their underarms. Decades passed, and by the 1950s, American people started using roll-on deodorants which had applicators similar to that of ballpoint pens. Applying deodorant with your hands was no longer an acceptable thing to do.
About a decade later, aerosol-spray deodorants made their appearance. Later, in the 1970s, people started using stick deodorants. Those were actually a mixture of waxes, emollients, and fats, conveniently packaged in a plastic container which was very easy to hold and use. It’s also worth noting that certain chemical propellants in the aerosol-spray deodorants released chlorine which was extremely dangerous to the planet’s ozone layer. This is why back in 1994, the chlorofluorocarbons in these deodorants were banned. Now, manufacturers use safe and environment-friendly propellants in their spray deodorants. This will actually be the subject of our article today in which we will be talking about the ten best spray deodorants on the market right now. We will touch upon subjects like their different types, uses, benefits, and downsides, along with the answers to any questions that people might have. Here we go!
Top 10 Spray Deodorants for 2018
In the chart below, you will find my top 10 rated spray deodorants. For a more in-depth review of each type, please click on the Read Review link.
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Improved Formulation Go Fresh Dove Anti-Perspirant Deodorant |
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Best Types of Spray Deodorant
When it comes to spray deodorant, which is apparently the most popular product for preventing sweat-related odors, there are not many types out there. It’s important to take into account that we are not talking about the different types of deodorant as an entire category because there are a lot of types there: roll-on, stick, or spray. In this part of our article, we will only be mentioning the different types of spray deodorant, which are two: aerosol-spray deodorant and antiperspirant spray deodorant. Not many people might know that those two are, in fact, not the same thing. There are clear differences between these two products and we will be talking about them right now.
Type 1: Aerosol- Spray Deodorant
Aerosol-spray deodorants are currently the go-to solution for millions of women all over the world. They are easy to carry in a bag and convenient to apply whenever you feel like you need a burst of freshness. These products are absolutely ideal for women who do not have enough time to freshen up with other products. One of the best parts about spray deodorants is that they offer instant protection. You are able to wear sleeveless shirts without any worry. Moreover, they do not leave stains or wet patches on your clothes, like other types of deodorant do.
- plus Amazing for on the go freshness
- plus Convenient and easy to use
- plus Small enough to be carried in bags
- close Contains chemicals
- close More expensive
- close Can leave white, powdery residue on clothes
Type 2: Antiperspirant Spray Deodorant
The main difference between normal spray deodorants and antiperspirants is that the first works to cover up unpleasant, sweat-related smells. When it comes to antiperspirants, they work by covering the sweat glands which release moisture and sweat on the body. This will stop the sweat from mixing with the bacteria on your skin, a process that actually causes that unpleasant smell. They also reduce the number of odor-causing bacteria on the skin. They work in a different manner, and it’s important to know the difference between these two apparently similar products. And before anyone asks, no, inhibiting perspiration is not harmful for the body at all because thermoregulation will still take place. The underarm area represents only about 1% of the entire body surface. It is a far too small area to provide any real threat to the body and its normal processes. Antiperspirants have been proven safe and their use accepted in the cosmetic industry.
- plus Inhibit perspiration
- plus Prevents that unpleasant smell
- plus Very easy to find and to apply
- close Can leave white residue on clothes
- close It does inhibit perspiration
- close More expensive
Common Features of Spray Deodorants
Spray deodorant is one of these products that everyone should know about and everyone should use. There is no exception to this. Whether you prefer roll-on, stick, or spray deodorant, it’s mandatory that you use it daily. Now, there are also a lot of common features when it comes to spray deodorant, the category that we are talking about today. It’s important to be aware of those before deciding on a specific type or brand, or before switching from one type to another. So, in order to help you, we have made a list of some common feature that spray deodorants have and that you should know about. Here we go!
- check-circle-o Prevent you from smelling- Probably the most obvious common feature and benefit of spray deodorants. Yes, their main goal is to cover any unpleasant smells on your skin or prevent them from even appearing. We have already discussed the difference between spray deodorants and antiperspirants above. Their use is purely a hygienic and social one. Let’s face it. Nobody likes it when the person next to them smells bad. This is why we, as human beings, should do everything we can to prevent such accidents from happening. Apart from having our reputation as people at stake, it’s also a matter of respecting the people that are near you. Be respectful, wear deodorant, and don’t make people around you feel bad!
- check-circle-o Are very easy to use on the go- Spray deodorants, in particular, are extremely easy to keep in bags. You can take your deodorant with you on the go and even use it whenever you feel like you need some more freshness. Just find a quiet restroom, take out your deodorant and spray any places that you feel might need refreshing. You will most certainly feel a lot better afterward and you will be able to continue your day feeling nice and with a positive and carefree attitude.
- check-circle-o Do not leave unpleasant wet stains on clothes- As opposed to roll-on or stick deodorants, spray ones do not leave any weird and unpleasant wet spots on your clothes. You may have noticed this almost every time after applying deodorant from a roll-on, for example. In order to avoid this, you need to wait a few minutes for the product to dry and then move on with your life. The problem is that, with our everyday busy lives, people don’t usually have time for that. Spray deodorants are the solution for that issue, but you also need to be careful. Certain types and brands of spray deodorant contain talcum powder which might also leave some white, powdery residue on your clothes. Just be careful to remove it as soon as it appears.
Things to Consider Before Buying the Best Spray Deodorants on the Market
As we have previously mentioned, there are two types of spray deodorants to choose from, apart from the many other types of deodorant in general. However, before making a decision, or changing the type of product that you use, there are a few other things that you should take into consideration. Firstly, if you don’t agree with the way antiperspirants act against sweat glands and sweat in general, you should choose a classic spray deodorant. Then, you should be aware of the fact that not all deodorant formulas will suit your needs. If you don’t notice any benefits from using a certain type or brand, try something else. So, in order to help you, we have created a list of some important things that you should consider before buying a spray deodorant. Enjoy!
Are you a busy person?
This is very important because usually, spray deodorants are the best solution when you don’t have too much time to freshen up. It is the most popular type of deodorant when it comes to people with busy and chaotic lives who are always on the go. So, if this sounds familiar, a spray deodorant is the best solution for you. However, if you usually stay at home, taking care of children or doing any other kind of not-so-stressful activities, you can also choose other types of deodorants. We have already mentioned them before, in our article.
Do you hate wet or yellowish stains on clothes?
If you do, then choose a spray deodorant by all means. Liquid or roll-on deodorants are the ones that tend to leave either a bizarre wet spot on your clothes after using it, or worse, a yellow one. This is especially visible on white or light-colored clothes and might bother you the entire day. So, in order to avoid this unpleasant surprise, go for a spray product. However, be careful when choosing it! Certain types contain talcum powder which also leaves some white, powdery residue on clothes. This is especially visible on dark-colored clothing and might be equally frustrating.
Do you sweat heavily?
This question brings us back to the first one. If you are a very busy person with a very active life, you might also sweat a lot. In this case, a spray or roll-on product is strongly recommended because they keep smells away for longer and more efficiently. Stick deodorants are not that efficient, and they are recommended for people who have more relaxed and carefree lifestyles. Sweat can also be caused by stress or other emotional factors. As opposed to normal sweat, which is produced by the eccrine sweat glands, stress-induced sweat is also produced by apocrine sweat glands. This is a reaction that has evolved over time and derives from an ancient evolutionary response to threats. Back then, it was an important non-verbal means of communication between people.
Questions to Ask Before Buying Spray Deodorants
By now, you should know a lot more things about this fantastic product called deodorant. We have already talked about its different types, benefits, and downsides, and things that you should consider before buying a certain type of brand. Now, it’s time to focus on the questions that you should be asking around before buying spray deodorant, in particular. So, if you still feel like your questions have not been answered completely, don’t worry! You are probably not in minority. In order to help you, we have made a list of some important questions that you should ask before deciding on a certain type or brand of spray deodorant. Here we go!
Q: How is spray deodorant better than roll-on or stick ones?
A: Apart from the obvious benefits, which all the other deodorants also have, meaning the removal, prevention, or cover up of body odors, a spray deodorant is also very convenient. It’s the easiest to use out of all types and the best alternative for on the go freshness. It has an instant effect and does not leave any of those wet or yellow stains on your clothes. Apart from this, there are certain formulas that release even more freshness the more you move around. So, don’t worry if you are an extra active person. Your spray deodorant has got you covered!
Q: Why do I have to shake the deodorant spray before using it?
A: In fact, a spray deodorant does not necessarily need to be shaken before using it. In fact, you only need to shake well an antiperspirant spray deodorant. This is mandatory because the antiperspirant active powder (aluminum salt) needs to be evenly distributed inside the can. If you don’t shake the can well, the product might come out too concentrated and clog the valve. Apart from this, it might leave a lot of residue on skin and clothes, and that is not preferable at all.
Why are Spray Deodorants Awesome?
The list of reasons why spray deodorants are such awesome and valuable products is almost endless. We have already covered their types, uses, benefits, downsides, but in this part of our article, we will tell you a few more reasons why you should definitely use deodorant (apart from the obvious ones). It’s worth mentioning that nowadays, numerous brands have come up with various types of spray deodorants. From their perfumes to what they claim to do, this particularity should not even matter. It’s mandatory to buy and use deodorant every day, no matter what type or brand you choose. So, here are some more reasons why spray deodorants are such awesome, valuable, and popular products.
Everyone can use them
Spray deodorants, and deodorants in general can be used by absolutely anyone. From the youngest to the oldest, you can choose the type of deodorant that you like and use it without any worries. There are certain deodorants that are specially created for children, so there is an alternative for them too. However, when it comes to roll-on or stick deodorants, it’s important to never borrow them to anyone, no matter how close they are to you, for hygienic and health reasons.
They are extremely easy to use
There is no philosophy when it comes to using a spray deodorant. Everything is self-explanatory. The same goes for roll-on or stick deodorants that are also very easy to use anywhere and by anyone. Spray deodorants are also very convenient because they can be used on the go and have an immediate effect. They are probably the best solution when you want a quick refresh during a long day at work or in town.
They are affordable and easy to find
Any type of deodorant is affordable and very easy to find. They are everywhere, from online stores to drug stores or hypermarkets all over the world. The only way in which you can miss them is to not want to buy them. Spray, roll-on, and stick deodorants are also inexpensive products that almost everyone should afford. Spray deodorants and antiperspirant spray deodorants are a bit more expensive, but the difference is not that important to matter in your choice. So, the price should be the last thing on your mind when looking for the best deodorant for you and your needs.
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Common Questions
Now that we are almost at the end of our article on the best spray deodorants on the market right now, it’s time to answer the remaining questions that people might still have. Their curiosities are usually similar, which is why we have left these few questions at the end. We can only hope that we have provided the best answers possible and that you now know a lot more about spray deodorants than you did before. Here are some of the most common questions regarding spray deodorant, answered. Enjoy!
- chevron-circle-right Q: What is the best way to apply spray deodorant?
- chevron-circle-rightA: There is not a best way in which you need to apply spray deodorant. However, there are a few unwritten rules that you might want to follow to make sure that your product will offer the best results. If you use an antiperspirant spray, then you need to shake it well before. You can also do this for a deodorant, but it’s not mandatory. Then, establish a convenient distance for you and spray the product on the areas that you want to be refreshed. Don’t spray too much product! Just a short, sharp spray will do! Be careful about the white residue which some deodorants might leave. Get rid of that white powder as soon as possible because you don’t want to stain your clothes.
- chevron-circle-right Q: Can the aluminum in deodorant cause various diseases?
- chevron-circle-rightA: You may have heard all these reports according to which the aluminum in spray deodorants can cause diseases like Alzheimer’s or even cancers. According to a study from The Journal of The National Cancer Institute, there is no connection between breast cancer and the use of spray deodorant. The same goes for Alzheimer’s. So, for now, we can say that the ingredients in spray deodorants are not harmful for your health in any way. Sure, you can choose to use an aluminum-free product if you want to be on the safe side. It’s all up to you.
We have now reached the end of our article on the best ten spray deodorants for 2018 and you should know a lot more about this incredible product than you did before. It’s important to remember that everyone is different and therefore has different needs and preferences. A product that works for a friend might not work for you and the other way around. The trick is to know yourself and learn what your body needs. When it comes to deodorant, we have discussed their different types and we have seen which ones work best for various issues. It’s crucial to be aware of the fact that certain types of deodorants might work well in certain cases and for certain people. For others, this may not apply. If this happens, you should try and find another product that might suit your particular needs better.
Apart from this, as is the case with any other product, spray deodorants also have their benefits and their downsides. It’s important to learn and recognize those so that you can choose the best alternative for you. We hope that we have provided the best answers to your questions and that you now know a lot more about this mandatory product that should be in your kit at all times. What did you think about our article on the best spray deodorants for 2018? Did it help you in any way? Tell us your opinions in the comment section down below and show us how we can improve.
External References and Citations
- chevron-circle-right Best spray deodorants for men
- chevron-circle-right The return of spray deodorant
- chevron-circle-right Dangers of spray deodorants
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