Everyone probably knows the struggle of achieving a perfect wax, with no remaining hairs or annoying irritations afterward. However, this absolutely necessary routine can sometimes become a burden as waxing at salons can get very expensive and it’s not perfect every time. So, wanting smooth skin is the supreme desire, but what can you do if you don’t want to spend a lot of money and don’t feel comfortable getting naked at a salon? Well, a good home waxing kit might be the best solution for you! Our article will reveal the secrets of these increasingly popular home waxing kits and will offer you alternatives of all prices, for you to choose from.
So, if you haven’t explored the possibility of home waxing, we are here to offer you the best tips. One thing is sure: it’s completely worth it. By investing in a good home waxing kit you will avoid spending money and time on shaving, tweezing and bleaching. Let’s face it, this unwanted fuzz and the effort to keep it away from your body at all costs can become like a part-time job for most of us. We don’t want that, and because of this, we thought of the best alternatives for you. This article will look at some of the best home waxing kits on the market this year which you can buy and try out.
10 Best Home Waxing Kit Options for 2018
In the chart below, you will find my top 10 rated home waxing kit options. For a more in-depth review of each type, please click on the Read Review link.
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Best Types of Home Waxing Kits
Like in the case of so many other care products, no matter if they’re for the skin, hair, nails or any other part of the body, there are also some different types of home waxing kits that you should probably know about. It’s also very important to note that home waxing is a lot more inexpensive than a laser hair removal, for example. It may be less permanent, yes, but in the long run, it’s probably worthy. Also, a large number of beauty companies are coming out with their own home waxing kits and taking into account their prices they are doing a very good job. Long story short, home waxing kits are now getting more qualitative and easier to use than ever before. So, why not try them? As for the types of hair removal kits, there are two of them that everyone should know about and choose according to their own needs.
Type 1: Hard Wax Home Waxing Kits
Many people also refer to hard wax as hot wax, peelable or strip wax. Experts have long said that this particular type of wax is the best kind. This is mostly because it removes all the unwanted hairs without grabbing onto the skin. It’s the best alternative for a Brazilian wax or upper lip one. Its name comes from the fact that it’s applied when it’s softer and then removed when it hardens. However, you should know that even experiences estheticians have a hard time working with it as it takes a lot more time and attention. Also, it can get a lot messier and painful than a soft wax hair removal.
- plus Probably the best kind of hair removal wax
- plus Extremely efficient
- plus The most commonly-used alternative
- close It’s the most painful alternative
- close Can take a lot of time
- close Even professionals have trouble with it
Type 2: Soft Wax Home Waxing Kit
The name of this type of wax comes from the fact that it’s applied when it’s soft and also removed when it’s still soft, unlike the previous method. When soft wax is applied to the skin, a wax strip is usually then applied over it. When you quickly remove the strip, you also remove the hair, leaving smooth skin behind. Soft wax is famous for also removing baby hairs and mature hair, as well as for exfoliating the skin. Most home waxing kits work with soft wax, like the microwavable ones, the roll-on wax or the strips. Most of these kits need either electric or manual heat to help soften the wax.
- plus Most home waxing kits use it
- plus Very easy to apply and use
- plus A quicker process than with hard wax
- close Sometimes it may not be as efficient as hard wax
- close Not suited for people who don’t like heat
- close Needs artificial or natural heat to work
Common Features of Home Waxing Kits
Home waxing kits are part of that special category of products that arrive in your life and change it forever. This is why we are trying to offer you all of the details and features of home waxing kits, so you can also try them out soon. So, all things considered, it seems that with their increasing popularity, more and more people have decided to give them a chance. This is a normal attitude, especially considering the price difference between a home waxing kit and a professional waxing session at a salon. Because these kits have become so popular, we have decided to include a list of common features of home waxing kits, so you can learn even more things about them.
- check-circle-o They require some preparation- It’s worth mentioning before anything else that all of these home waxing kits require some preparation beforehand. So, this means that you need a little bit of time to get things right. For example, seeing how most of these kits today work with soft wax, you need to take your time to heat it up before using it. Some kits come with their own heating machine, which makes things easier. However, some have microwavable wax while others simply need a good rubbing between your palms to heat. The latter option works best if you need certain small areas waxed quickly. The microwave is also something that almost every kitchen nowadays has, and the heating machines usually come with the kits, simplifying the entire process.
- check-circle-o They are efficient– Another important common feature of home waxing kits is their efficiency. Well, there are some important factors to be taken into account when talking about their level of efficiency. Firstly, you need to make sure that the wax is warm enough so that it can remove all the hair (if it’s soft wax). There are also certain accessories that you can use to make sure that your home waxing kit is efficient. For example, you can buy cheap catch collars to catch any extra wax or that popsicle stick that helps you distribute the wax evenly on your skin. These kits usually come with certain accessories too, all to make the process a lot easier for you and the results almost perfect and professional. In the end, these home waxing kits should be very efficient if used right. So, if you are not happy with the result, you may want to go back again and try harder. It’s probably you, not the kit.
- check-circle-o They don’t make a mess– The final common feature of all home waxing kits is how easy the cleanup is. Most accessories that help you remove the hair can be thrown away after each use. So, you don’t have a lot of things to clean up afterward. Also, usually, soft wax, even if it’s soft, has the perfect consistency not to drip everywhere and make a mess. This can happen, but it’s part of the reason why you need to be careful when waxing at home. Accidents can happen, so it’s better to be safe than sorry. Apart from this, certain kits also offer moisturizing or oily wipes for you to clean your skin after the wax is removed. Those also remove any residues that might end up being annoying on your skin.
Things To Consider Before Buying The Best Home Waxing Kit On The Market
As we’ve previously mentioned, there are different types of home waxing kits, from a lot of different brands. However, even if they may all sound good, they may not suit your exact needs. This is why we have prepared a list of things that you may want to take into consideration before buying a home waxing kit yourself. Keep in mind that it all depends on your needs, type of skin, type of hair, resistance to pain, the time that you have to wax and many other such factors.
1. Know Your Hair and Skin Type Very Well
This is probably the most important thing that you need to consider before buying and trying out a home waxing kit. Firstly, if you have sensitive skin, it may be a problem because you might end up with severe irritations after waxing. Also, the skin might not look very pretty for about 12 hours after waxing the unwanted hair. You can always use special calming lotions or cremes for your skin, but it’s important to know how it will react and not to get scared. The hair type is also important. Most types of wax work well on any type of hair but work even better on thicker hair. So, if you have extremely thin and soft hair, you might need to repeat the process two times to get that perfectly smooth skin.
2. Are you pain or heat tolerant?
This is also extremely important because it may stop you from using a home waxing kit. If you cannot stand the pain of wax hair removal, this alternative might not be for you. You may want to try hair removal cremes or shaving. This is also true if you cannot stand heat on your skin, as soft wax works only when it’s hot. And seeing how most home waxing kits work with soft wax, again, you may want to look for another alternative. Moreover, if you see that you cannot resist the pain or the heat, stop the hair removal process immediately! Safety comes before anything else!
3. Inform yourself before hand!
Lastly, you should make sure that you know what a home waxing kit involves. If you’ve never had your hair waxed at a salon, you may want to pay them a visit, just once, to see how it works. Then, the experience will help you do it yourself at home. If you don’t want to do that, feel uncomfortable or don’t have money to spend, we suggest you watch some video tutorials to learn how things need to be done. Again, this is all about being informed about what you’re going to do and being safe at the same time.
Questions To Ask Yourself Before Buying A Home Waxing Kit
Now that we have already covered some of the most important features of home waxing kits, it’s time to focus on the questions that you might want to ask yourself before buying such a kit. This is very important as many people might still have some unanswered questions. If you are one of them, don’t worry! You are not the only one, we are sure! This is precisely why we have prepared another list of important questions that you should ask yourself before buying a home waxing kit. Here we go!
Q: Less expensive than a salon visit, but isn’t a home waxing kit still pricey?
A: Well, this actually depends on what you call “pricey” for your own budget. We can only offer you the approximate prices, and you should figure out on your own if these alternatives are pricier than others. Finally, it’s your choice, but home waxing kits are a lot less costly than those visits at salons, and they also have a similar level of efficiency, if done right.
Q: Is it really that convenient?
Home waxing kits are the most convening things that you can possibly find for this purpose. What can be more easy and convenient than waxing the unwanted hair in the comfort of your own home, without having to get naked in front of some strangers? You can also control the intensity of your waxing session and can go as in detail as you wish, without feeling uncomfortable. So, yes, a home waxing kit is very convenient indeed!
Q: Do I really need such a kit?
The answer to this question also depends on you and your needs. If you are the kind of person who likes to have a smooth and fuzz-free skin, then yes, you may need such a kit. If you are not bothered by a little bit of hair or don’t like walking around without too many clothes on during summertime, you can choose other alternatives. But you are the only one who can provide a clear answer. Think about your needs, your wishes, your problems and what you like and don’t like and find the best option for you!
Why Are Home Waxing Kits Awesome?
The list of reasons why home waxing kits are awesome and valuable is almost endless, especially in comparison with professional salon waxing. Recently, these kits have become very advanced and companies are continuously trying to make them as efficient as a salon visit. And we must say, they are very close to accomplishing that. So, we have created a list of reasons why home waxing kits are so awesome, useful and valuable. Enjoy!
They are extremely easy to use
This is probably the main reason why a home waxing kit is so awesome. There’s nothing more comfortable and easy than to be with yourself during a pampering session and to remove unwanted hair the way you want. You can go as hard or as soft as you want, everything while being very happy that you finally chose this very easy and convenient alternative. A home waxing kit is pretty self-explanatory but still, if you have trouble, the instructions will guide you through every step of the process.
They are a cheap and efficient alternative
As we’ve previously mentioned, home waxing kits are not only a lot more inexpensive than a regular salon visit, but they are almost equally efficient. So, why bother spending so much money on professional waxing when you have a cheaper and sometimes even better alternative? A home waxing kit is very comfortable to use and most importantly, it also saves you a lot of time while getting the job done. Impressive, right?
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Common Questions
Before reaching the end of our article on the best home waxing kit options on the market right now, we need to answer some of the most commonly-asked questions. So, if we failed to answer your curiosity before keep on reading because you might find your answer here. It’s not uncommon for people to have similar questions. This is why we’ve gathered some of them and provide the best answers. Here are some of the most common questions regarding home waxing kits.
- chevron-circle-right Q: Can men use home waxing kits too?
- chevron-circle-rightA: Yes, men can indeed use home waxing kits too because they are not gender-specific by any means. They will work great on them too because usually men have thicker hairs than women, and the wax will surely remove them all easily. It may be a bit painful for them because as science tells us, men are less pain tolerant than women, but they will survive and have a smooth and sexy skin.
- chevron-circle-rightQ: For how long will a home waxing kit keep my skin hair-free?
- chevron-circle-rightA: There is not a clear and definitive answer to this question, as the type of hair varies from person to person. It also depends on how often you choose to wax. However, your skin should remain free of any unwanted hairs for three to five weeks, more or less. This is almost the same as a professional waxing which costs a lot more, as we’ve said above.
- chevron-circle-right Q: How to prepare my skin before waxing at home?
- chevron-circle-rightA: It’s important to test a small area of your skin 24 hours before the process. This is to make sure that you are not allergic, or you won’t have any ugly skin irritations. Also, your hair should be at least 2mm long in order for the wax to do its job properly. If your hair is not long enough, simply wait a few more days. It’s also important for the area that needs to be waxed to be clean, dry and free of any kind of product. Moreover, you should exfoliate beforehand because this way, the wax will adhere better to your skin and have better results.
- chevron-circle-right Q: What to apply after waxing?
- chevron-circle-right A: In order to remove any residue, you should apply a special oil or use the wipes that come with the waxing kit. Also, be careful to moisturize your skin to prevent any ingrown hairs. If you’ve waxed your underarm area avoid using antiperspirant for 24 hours. Also, it’s very important to avoid sunbathing or fake tanning right after waxing.
- chevron-circle-right Q: Should I bathe before waxing?
- chevron-circle-rightA: No, you should NOT take a shower or bathe before waxing your hair! This is because hot water opens the pores in the skin, making it more vulnerable to irritations or bruises. It may also hurt even more. It’s the best to wait for two to three hours after taking a shower to begin waxing at home.
To wrap it all up, this was our article on the best home waxing kit options for this year that you should definitely try. Apart from being a lot cheaper than regular visits to a salon for professional waxing, these kits are also incredibly efficient and easy to use. As for the pain, you only need a bit of practice before it becomes bearable. There are also a lot of different types of home waxing kits out there that you can try out and find the best alternative for you. They are convenient, as efficient as professional waxing and allow you to feel comfortable while using them.
If you are someone who doesn’t like to spend a lot of money on hair removal or who feels uncomfortable getting naked in front of a stranger for a wax, then these kits are for you! In our article, we have also provided the best ten options for you to analyze and choose from once you’ve decided to go for a home waxing kit. You can choose any kind you want, depending on your needs, preferences, and problems. And while there are certain drawbacks to certain types of home waxing kits, no product in the world is perfect. So, what did you think about our article on the best home waxing kit options for 2018? Do you have any other questions? Will you start using them if you haven’t already? Let us know in the comment section down below!
- chevron-circle-right Best home waxing kits for your needs
- chevron-circle-right Tips and tricks for a pain-free waxing experience
- chevron-circle-right Rules for at-home waxing
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