We all want to have thicker stronger and more beautiful hair. Fortunately, there are plenty of methods to have great locks. You can choose from hair care techniques, everyday care tips, professional hair treatments, scalp remedies, and more. If you are worried about thinning hair issues, you should follow the recommendations on how to get thicker hair, presented below.
The Best Experts Advice on How to Get Thicker Hair
#1. Eat Healthy
According to MD Health website, which presents health information from doctors, having a balanced diet can truly help you get thicker hair. If you want your locks to grow stronger, you should include the following things in your daily eating habits: vegetables, fruits, nuts, eggs, dairy products, and beneficial proteins. Things like salmon must also be a part of your diet.
#2. Take Proper Supplements & Use the Right Products
When it comes to beauty and hair advice, Harper’s Bazaar, recommends us to take oral supplements that will strengthen our locks. For example, you should combine an oral supplement with a topical treatment such as laser therapy or [easyazon_link identifier=”B00DTPYGHQ” locale=”US” tag=”beautifu0f2-20″]minoxidil[/easyazon_link]. This way, your hair will get stronger from the inside out. Moreover, after cleaning your hair, you should use proper products like [easyazon_link identifier=”B001AKJTCO” locale=”US” tag=”beautifu0f2-20″]hair volumizing serums[/easyazon_link].
#3. Regularly Condition Your Hair & Brush It Gently
On Kristen Arnett’s Green Beauty Team, you will find plenty of useful advice on how to get thicker hair. Among these recommendations, there is the following one: condition your hair on a regular basis. Once or twice per week, you should use a deep conditioner product to smoothen your locks. You can even prepare your own conditioning mask at home. Mix a mashed avocado with egg yolks, and olive oil. Apply this combination on your hair and leave it there for about an hour. Then, cleanse your locks using a gentle shampoo.
On this site, you can also find another great advice on how to correctly brush your hair. The ideal way is to wait until your hair is completely dry. However, if you want to comb it while it is still wet, make sure to use a wide-tooth comb. Start at the tips and work your way up. Avoid using blow dryers or straightening tools.
#4. Take Care of Your Scalp
Healthy hair starts from the scalp, as Marie Claire’s beauty experts state. An effective treatment should not only make your hair look better, but should also improve your scalp’s health. Creating an internal nutritional support will help your hair get thicker. Therefore, you need to optimize your scalp’s environment, by protecting hair follicles, if you want to achieve stronger locks.
#5. Use the Proper Shampoo
As Cosmopolitan presents us, Dennis Gross, a New York City dermatologist said the following thing: what works for your skin, will also work for your hair. This is why you need to choose shampoos that contain one or both of these ingredients: peptides and salicylic acid. The first one boosts hair growth while the second one unclogs the follicles from debris.
Let’s Recap
If you want strong thicker hair, you need to work for it. Make sure to follow the above-described recommendations, given by beauty experts, on how to get thicker hair. Using the proper products, styling your hair correctly, and eating healthy, will all work miracles on your locks.
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