If you need some pampering or you simply want to relax, you could choose to create your own spa facial treatment at home. It is time-saving and a lot more affordable than going to an actual spa. To make sure that you will have your moments of quiet and mindfulness, put all distractions away such as a smartphone, laptop, tablet, and others. Light up some scented candles and prepare your facial creams. Here are the best recipes to consider.
The Most Effective Spa Facial Treatment Recipes
#1. Banana Facial Mask
Bananas applied on your face will act as a gentle Botox treatment. It has moisturizing and softening properties, and it is a great remedy for dry skin. Choose a medium-sized banana and mash it up until it forms a smooth paste. Apply it all over your face and neck area. Leave it there for up to 20 minutes and clean it off with cold water. If you want something more complex, you can combine banana with yogurt and honey. It works great if you have acne prone skin.
#2. Chocolate Spa Facial Treatment
Yes, it is a decadent spa facial treatment, which works best for normal skin. Your complexion will gain a silkier, smoother, and softer look. All you need are the following ingredients: a small amount of cocoa, three tablespoons of heavy cream, two tablespoons of cottage cheese, some honey, and oatmeal powder. Combine all the ingredients together and apply them on your face. Wait ten minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.
#3. Milk Facial Mask
This is another great option if you want to offer yourself a fancy spa facial treatment at home. Prepare a mask by combining powdered milk with an enough amount of water. Mix them until they form a thick paste. Apply this mixture all over your face and let it dry completely. Once it gets dry, you can rinse it off with warm water. You will be pleasantly surprised at how nice your complexion will feel. It will be rejuvenated and refreshed.
#4. Oatmeal Facial Treatment
Oatmeal is a healthy food that can also be easily and effectively used as a spa facial treatment. This is an easy-to-prepare and quick recipe. Mix 170 grams of hot water (not boiling) with 113 grams of oatmeal. Let them settle for a couple of minutes. Then, add two tablespoons of yogurt, some honey, and one small egg white. Apply this mixture on your face in a thin layer and leave it there for up to 15 minutes. Clean it off with warm water.
#5. Yogurt Facial Mask
You can avoid spending a lot of money at a fancy spa. The solution is using this spa facial treatment in the privacy of your own home. If you want to tighten your pores while also cleansing your skin, you should put some plain yogurt on your face. Let it there for about 20 minutes, then rinse it off with water. For a better effect, you can combine yogurt with orange juice and Aloe Vera. This is a great revitalizing mask.
Wrapping It Up
You need to take good care of your skin if you want to avoid different issues such as pimples, wrinkles, dull and dry skin, and others. Therefore, you should prepare your own spa facial treatment at home, instead of spending a lot of money and time at the local beauty parlor. All the above recipes are completely natural as well as effective.
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