Scalp Scrub
Have you been having a rough time with your hair lately? It may be time for you to try out a scalp scrub. There are plenty of scrubs out there that you can buy for upwards of forty dollars! Why invest your money on something you can easily make at home with a simple recipe? Use this scalp scrub recipe that includes the most important ingredients of oatmeal and brown sugar to rejuvenate your hair! Natural oils in the mixture can help disinfect the scalp, without drying out your hair. Massaging your scalp with a brown sugar scalp scrub can help increase circulation to the hair follicles and increase growth rate!
3 tbsp brown sugar
3 tbsp oatmeal
18-20 drops of oil (jojoba, tea tree, lavender, etc.)
Step 1:
Wash your hair with shampoo like normal to get rid of any products that may be in your hair, like gel or hairspray.
Step 2:
Combine brown sugar and finely ground oatmeal in a bowl until it is evenly spread. Once even, add in the oil mixing it in throughout the oatmeal and brown sugar.
Step 3:
Once the mixture is a semi-consistent texture, apply to your scalp by massaging it onto your scalp in small, circular motions with the tips of your fingers rather than your entire hand. Learn the easiest way to massage your scalp here, with 5 Health and Beauty Benefits of a Scalp Massage.
Step 4:
Let the scrub sit on your scalp for no more than 5 minutes
Step 5:
Rinse the scrub from your scalp, then shampoo your hair again and follow it with conditioning as you normally would.
After Math
After using this great at home scalp scrub, not only will you be glad you saved forty dollars by using an alternative method, your hair will look, and feel absolutely amazing! This DIY scalp scrub hydrates, refreshes, and disinfects the scalp with the crucial ingredients of brown sugar and oatmeal. Try it out and see for yourself how great your hair will feel in just about five minutes!