The effects of using bio oil for stretch marks are vivid and pleasant enough to have convinced some people to make the claim that it has fantastic properties that boost your skin’s health. Are they right? Is it really as effective as some people suggest it is? And what can you expect throughout and after a bio oil treatment? Read ahead to find out the answers to the most basic questions regarding this topic.
What Is Bio Oil?
First formulated by German scientist and cosmetician Dieter Beier, [easyazon_link identifier=”B004AI97MA” locale=”US” tag=”beautifu0f2-20″]bio oil[/easyazon_link]’s primary compound is PurCellin oil. In simple terms, it’s nothing more than a synthetic reinterpretation of the preen oil which you naturally find in ducks. Combined with vitamins A and E, lavender, chamomile, rosemary, and calendula, it’s seemingly a powerhouse treatment for a number of skin issues, starting with stretch marks.
How to Use Bio Oil for Stretch Marks
The first thing that you need to know is that bio oil won’t make your stretch marks disappear completely. The most it can do is drastically fade them into the skin, but even this is the result of a fairly lengthy and patience-requiring treatment.
If you are willing to commit, you just need to massage some bio oil with your fingertips directly on the marks. Repeat this process twice on a daily basis for as much as three months. You won’t start seeing results immediately, so you should probably wait until the three-month period finishes to reach a conclusion.
How Effective It Is and Possible Side Effects
As previously mentioned, how effective the bio oil treatment is largely depends on how realistic your expectations are. Accept the fact that you’ll need to undergo regular “sessions” for a few good months and you’ll undoubtedly see the results you need, but not necessarily the ones you want. Even if you lose weight, your stretch marks won’t disappear completely, but they will fade away in time, particularly the purple color that really stands out and is so incredibly bothersome.
As for the side effects, there really aren’t that many. It’s obviously due to the fact that its ingredients are mainly beneficial and of a natural value. The most that could happen is to have an allergic reaction to the various oils or fragrances incorporated within. The very same ingredients might lead to an allergic dermatitis as well, but these are all some seriously specific situations.
Other Uses of Bio Oil
Use bio oil to get rid of other unsightly skin issues, such as unevenness in color or scars. Just be careful to not apply the oil to a still-opened wound because you might irritate it greatly. It can also help hydrate your skin, treat sun damaged skin, fight various signs of aging, and fine lines.
Wrapping Up
And that was how to use bio oil for stretch marks and how it can benefit you with other various skin issues. The key aspect here is that you just need to show lots of patience and to understand that this treatment won’t make your marks go away completely.