That classic razor-sharp, winged eyeliner is still very much in right now. But this doesn’t mean that other, more sophisticated trends are not slowly taking over, especially when it comes to social media. Instagram is one of these places where you can go and learn a lot about all the new trends that are changing the makeup industry right now. We have learned that a cat-eye look can be transformed in a lot of creative ways, while still maintaining a base. So, you can be a fan of the classic wing, but you can also take a look at these beautiful eyeliner trends that combine color and shape in very original manners.
From layers to dots and incomplete wings, we’ve seen it all. However, for this article, we have chosen only the prettiest and most popular eyeliner trends that you can follow if you are tired of the same black wing. Some have been invented by famous makeup artists, which means there must be something there worth trying. Here is our list of some of the most creative eyeliner trends that are very in right now and which you can easily try if you feel bold enough. Here we go!
1. Colorful Eyeliner
We have decided to start with something quite simple and which you might have heard of: colored eyeliner. The idea is the same: draw a perfect wing and enjoy your look. However, you can now play with any color that you want, leaving that classic black behind. Choose green, blue, yellow, red, orange; it’s all a matter of choice and preference. You can also layer a colored wing over a classic black one for a more dramatic effect. Add some eyeshadow color to this construction, and you might get a million-dollar eye look!
2. Incomplete eyeliner wing
Celebrity makeup artist Kara Yoshimoto Bua started a trend when she created only the impression of a classic cat eye on actress Emma Watson. She made an incomplete eyeliner wing by only tracing her lashes and then extending that wing past the corner of the eye. Finally, she continued the wing but stopped right before the crease. She left the negative space blank, and the result was to die for! Incredibly creative, fresh, and pretty! It’s also very easy to replicate, so why wouldn’t you?
3. Layered eyeliner
Makeup artist Janeen Kurdi was one of the first to experiment with colored eyeliner and invent new looks. One of those is the graphic rainbow layered look, made out of different colors of eyeliner on top of each other. The result is incredible and offers the impression of a multi-colored wave that has been perfectly executed on the eyelid. She even goes under the eye for extra continuity of her look. This might not be that easy to replicate, but with a bit of practice, who knows?
Summing it all up
So, what do you think about these inventive and very pretty eyeliner trends that have been invading social media lately? Are you willing to leave the classic black eyeliner behind and go for something crazier? Tell us what you think in the comment section down below!
Image source: pexels