A sea salt hair spray DIY recipe might help you replace all those products you use to obtain the Beach Waves look. Lately, this Beach Waves Spray gained its popularity. Generally, sea salt sprays dry to the hair because the salt absorbs all moisture and natural oils.
If you are tired of all the hair products you tried to style your hair, then it’s time for you to make your own sea salt hair spray DIY. This simple recipe for natural hair care will add more volume and a great texture to your hair without all the chemicals. Furthermore, if you decide to make it yourself, then you can modify it to suit your hair type, getting the texture you want.
To develop your own hair spray DIY, you need ingredients like natural conditioner (jojoba oil or almond oil), aloe vera gel, Himalayan or Sea Salt, Epsom salts and hot water. Optionally, you can also add a spritz of your favorite perfume or a few drops of essential oils. Furthermore, you can also introduce a teaspoon of lemon juice to the mixture. If you want to lighten your hair, you can use this in combination with one teaspoon vodka.
This sea salt hair spray DIY recipe will help you get the perfect look with natural ingredients
Now, to mix all these ingredients you will need to have two tablespoons of Epsom salts, ½ tsp Sea or Himalayan Salt, one teaspoon aloe vera gel, 1 cup of hot water and ½ tsp conditioner. The conditioner is only necessary if you have oily hair.
In what follows, you need to pay attention to the instructions and follow them accordingly. Firstly, you need to find a spray bottle which holds about 10 ounces. Then, put the hot water in the spray bottle and mix it with sea salt, Epsom salts, lemon juice and vodka, conditioner, aloe vera, and scent. Finally, put the cap on and shake the bottle for about 2 minutes until all the salts in there are dissolved.
Now, your sea salt hair spray DIY is ready. You can store it in the fridge if you add lemon juice. Nevertheless, if you did not use lemon juice or chamomile tea instead of water, you can store it at room temperature. This hair spray will last for about 3-4 months.
You will get a beach wavy look with your own hair spray
If you want to learn how to apply it, follow these simple steps correctly. First, spray it on damp hair and then use a towel to dry and obtain loose beach waves. You can also spray on dry hair if you want texture and volume but do not want the waves.
However, if you have straight thin hair and you want a wavy look throughout the whole day, then you need to follow another routine. You need to wash your hair the night before and spray your sea salt hair spray DIY while your hair is still damp. The next step is to French braid your hair it just wrap it into a bun on top of your head, leaving it overnight. In the morning, spritz a little more hair spray and take out the bun or the braid. Now you have some amazing beach waves which will last the whole day.
Summing up, the hair spray DIY recipe will help you have the look you always wanted without all those chemicals, hydrating and maintaining your hair healthy.