Scalp fungus is actually a common presence and, for the most part it harms no one. However, due to various factors such as dirt, stress, anxiety, dandruff issues, and others, things can get out of hand. The fungus can grow and develop into a proper infection, the most common one being ringworm. Despite its name, it’s nothing but a problem fueled by scalp fungus. Not only is it unsightly, but it can develop into a series of issues which vary from excess dandruff to actual hair loss.
Hopefully things won’t ever get to a scalp yeast infection level, though. You can make your own stand and halt the growth of scalp fungus through the application of several effective and natural treatments.
Scalp Fungus Treatment Home Remedies
#1 Apple Cider Vinegar
Vinegar is pretty famous for its benefits and for its prowess in the fight against scalp fungus. Not only does it help get rid of said fungus, but it also aids with hair loss, reducing the number of strands lost due to scalp fungus. To create an effective mixture, all you will need is: lemon juice, rosemary, green tea, and, of course, apple cider vinegar. Store it in a spray bottle, apply to your hair for 40 minutes, and then rinse it off.
#2 Garlic
It’s not the best smelling treatment out there, but it does the job done. Crush six garlic cloves and let them sit for approximately 10-15 minutes. After, stir in 5-6 tablespoons of honey, preferably organic, and create a mixture. Massage it into your hair, let it sit for about 10 minutes, and then wash it off. Finally, you should also give your scalp an extra cleansing session by shampooing away the hair pack.
#3 Baking Soda
As a general tip, baking soda has a special antifungal property which helps combat a wide set of fungi and the unpleasantness that comes from them. When applied to your scalp, it can also diminish dandruff and reduce hair loss. Add baking soda with a little bit of rosemary oil into a container with lukewarm water. Mix, apply to your hair, and then massage for a bit. Finally, wait for 5-10 minutes and then wash off.
#4 Bay Leaves
Lesser known allies in the strife against scalp fungus, bay leaves will also help your hair feel anew by getting rid of dandruff and various impurities. To reap these benefits, boil a few bay leaves and then let the water sleep for 30 minutes. Apply to hair for two hours and then rinse.
#5 Other Treatments
Aside from the aforementioned natural remedies, you can also try: fenugreek seeds, lime juice, tea tree oil, castor oil, olive oil, papaya, or coconut oil. Of course, you can also find in stores [easyazon_link identifier=”B006R5GXCG” locale=”US” tag=”beautifu0f2-20″]scalp fungus shampoo[/easyazon_link].
Wrapping Up
Generally, scalp fungus can go away after an active treatment revolving around either of the methods mentioned above. However, if the issue persists and develops into redness, swollen areas, or other issues, it’s mandatory to consult a doctor before it evolves into a grave infection. But do try these treatments first; most of the time, they should work.