How long does Restylane last? What are the possible results and side effects that I can expect? Is it right for me? There are so many questions, just like in the case of many other cosmetic procedures. It’s only natural to want to know all about the possible risks and, above all, if they’re even worth it. Today we’ll explore the questions regarding Restylane, the famed HA anti-aging intervention. So, without stalling any longer, let’s proceed and seek out these answers.
What Is Restylane?
In broad terms, Restylane is a procedure that involves a certain type of dermal fillers formulated with hyaluronic acid. When injected into the skin, it can erase various signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, or sagginess. The transparent gel-like substance then adds volume, fullness, and lusciousness to the skin, rejuvenating it and making it look more youthful.
You can typically undergo a Restylane treatment for one of these areas:
- Lips
- Laugh lines
- Sad mouth corners
- Crow’s feet
- Frown lines (forehead)
- Tear troughs (under the eyes)
- Chin
- Marionette lines
Is Restylane right for me?
There are certain people who should avoid undergoing this procedure:
- Pregnant and breast-feeding women.
- People with severe allergies.
- Those with bleeding disorders.
- People under the age of 21.
- People undergoing immunosuppressive therapy.
- Those who have acne, bruises, or herpes in the treatment area.
How Long Does Restylane Last?
The short answer is that the average longevity period of a Restylane treatment is between 6 and 9 months. However, the long answer is that everything is highly contextual and there are several factors which can drastically influence how long the effects will last.
The minimum, six months, usually applies if your body is really quick to metabolize the injected substance. If you decide to go Restylane on your lips, though, the results will last even shorter – around four months or so. With a tear through treatment, the effects will last as much as a whole year due to the lack of movement in the area.
What to Expect After?
After the procedure, pretty much all patients experience swelling in the treated area. It’s typically gone within the first couple of days after the intervention, although in some rare instances it can take a couple of weeks instead. This is, however, a relatively scarce occurrence, just like the following list of possible side effects:
- Pain
- Bruising
- Bleeding
- Bumps
- Redness/tenderness
- Infection
- Itching
- Hyperpigmentation
The likelihood to experience these side effects increases with age, so the older you are, the more prone you are to experience some unpleasantness post-procedure. Speaking of post-procedure, the recovery period is fairly short, but you do need to adhere to the regulations imposed by your doctor. Usually, these recovery guidelines aren’t too restrictive and they mostly involve avoiding exposure to extreme cold or sunlight.
Wrapping Up
In conclusion, let’s summarize everything. How long does Restylane last? Between 4 and 12 months. Is it right for me? As long as you don’t fit in one of the ‘forbidden’ categories, definitely. What about the side effects? The list may seem intimidating, but remember that they’re rare occurences!