Essential oils are great for a lot of health issues and skin conditions. [easyazon_link identifier=”B00028M3N2″ locale=”US” tag=”beautifu0f2-20″ popups=”y”]Lemon oil[/easyazon_link], especially, provides plenty of benefits, potentially restoring your dermal smoothness. You can enjoy this oil’s fragrance as well as its multiple properties such as antiseptic and anti-inflammatory benefits. Here are some skin improvements created by lemon essential oil.
Skin Benefits of Lemon Oil
Skin Cleanser
You can easily clean your skin with lemon oil. Just add a few drops to your bath water. It will not only rejuvenate your skin, but it will also reactivate your mind. Its fresh scent has therapeutic properties. Your body will feel deeply cleansed from within the pores. Another way to clean your face with this oil is by combining it with pure water. Keep it in a glass bottle and wipe your face with it every time you want.
Skin Toner
Lemon oil contains acid which makes it an astringent element. This is why this essential oil shrinks pores. It will remove all excess oil from your skin, acting as a natural toner. You will get rid of sebum in no time. This miraculous ingredient can even help you fight acne breakouts. Mix 40 lemon oil drops with water and witch hazel, and simply apply it on your skin. However, don’t put too much, though. Our recommended oil might increase your sunlight sensitivity because it is phototoxic.
Acne Fighter
[easyazon_link identifier=”B00QR6SS6O” locale=”US” tag=”beautifu0f2-20″ popups=”y”]Lemon oil[/easyazon_link] is one of the best essential oils when it comes to reducing and even eliminate acne and acne scars. This is due to its powerful ingredients such as vitamin C, antioxidants, and citric acid. All these elements boost collagen production and kill germs. Combine this oil with coconut oil and store it in a jar. Make sure to gently rub your face with it every time you feel your skin turns oily. It won’t have any side effects.
Aging Prevention Method
Vitamin C in combination with citric acid creates an anti-aging effect. Lemon oil fights against free radicals that consume your cells’ oxygen. These radicals damage your tissues, making your skin look older. They eventually produce wrinkles and sagging skin. Mix a small amount of olive oil with lemon oil and apply it on both your face and neckline.
Blackhead Remover
[easyazon_link identifier=”B00772AAMM” locale=”US” tag=”beautifu0f2-20″ popups=”y”]Lemon oil[/easyazon_link] has powerful skin tightening properties. It will not only remove blackheads, but it will also prevent them from appearing. This essential oil will shrink your pores and will reduce the sebum production. The removal process is totally safe because lemon oil also has antibacterial properties which prevent any potential infection. You can make your own homemade facial mask. Use baking soda and combine it with lemon oil and water. When it becomes a paste, apply it on your blackheads and wash it off after ten minutes.
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Let’s Recap
As you can see, [easyazon_link identifier=”B012578TN0″ locale=”US” tag=”beautifu0f2-20″ popups=”y”]lemon oil[/easyazon_link] is great for a lot of skin problems such as acne, blackheads, and aging effects. Even though essential oils are safe and they don’t have proven side effects, you should avoid it if you have severe allergies or if you are pregnant. To eliminate all doubts, consult your dermatologist first.
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