Scalp acne can hit even the best of us. Unfortunately, the skin on your head is just as likely to spawn pimples as the skin on the rest of your body. But since you can definitely get rid of the acne on your face or arms, for example, you’ll rejoice in knowing that your scalp is no different. Therefore, let us proceed with the methods through which you can treat the ever-so-frustrating scalp acne.
How to Get Rid of Scalp Acne: 11 Tips
There are two distinct treatment approaches: home remedies or topical and prescribed products.
#1 Home Remedies
- [easyazon_link identifier=”B00VKHKH8C” locale=”US” tag=”beautifu0f2-20″]Tea tree oil[/easyazon_link] is one of the most effective natural treatments for scalp acne. You can create a simple mixture with 2-3 tbsp. of olive oil and 5 drops of tea tree oil. Massaging your head on a daily basis with this substance is going to help you get rid of the pimples in no time.
- Create your very own scalp acne shampoo by adding 2-3 drops of tea tree oil per ounce in your preferred product. Wash daily, making sure that you keep the shampoo in for a few minutes before rinsing, so the oil’s antiseptic properties can kick in.
- Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, useful for getting rid of pimples on your head. Furthermore, it restores pH balance to your scalp so that future eruptions won’t happen again. Keep in mind, though, that undiluted vinegar applied directly to your hair may end up damaging your skin.
- Other home remedies that will help in the fight against scalp acne: aloe vera, tomato, juice, Indian lilac, garlic, honey, betel leaves.
#2 Topical Products
- Try [easyazon_link identifier=”B001MA7QFO” locale=”US” tag=”beautifu0f2-20″]benzoyl peroxide[/easyazon_link]. Because of its possible side effects, you’d do best to acquire a lotion or a specialized shampoo which contain this compound.
- Salicylic acid. The acid is a very common ingredient in most face washes or special, cleansing wipes. It unclogs pores, letting your skin breathe and preventing further explosions of acne.
- You can get help through the use of alpha hydroxyl acids. This means either lactic of glycolic acids, both which are commonly found in topical products serving for acne treatments. They also promote skin regeneration, helping you grow healthier hair.
#3 Prevention Tips
- Brush your hair daily. This will help you get rid of dead skin cells, which clog your scalp and promote the growth of acne.
- Avoid greasy or thick hairstyling products. Moreover, try looking for hair-treating products that are water-based or noncomedogenic, so that your pores can breathe.
- If you’re a known hat lover, you might do your scalp a favor by letting it breathe more.
- Immediately after a workout, go wash your hair. The combination of the compounds found on sweat together with natural hair sebum can lead to clogged pores, which in turn, obviously, can favor the apparition of acne.
Wrapping Up
If you follow these basic tips, you should get rid of scalp acne in no time. After this is done with, be extra mindful of the prevention methods that can help you elude this uncomfortable scenario in the future.