When fluid is trapped in the middle ear, an ear infection occurs. Ear drops help ease the pain of an ear infection, and they can help with the side effects and symptoms that occur as a result. The vast majority of ear infections occur in children, but it’s not uncommon for adults to suffer from an ear infection caused by the onset of a common cold or other illness.
The bacteria or virus that makes itself at home in the middle ear can affect your hearing, your mobility, and your ability to find comfort. It’s difficult as an adult, and it can be excruciating as a child.
Most earaches clear up on their own without antibiotics, but ear drops can help relieve pain and clear up a viral or bacterial infection faster. These drops help you speed up the process of healing, and they help manage the infection to make you more comfortable. We recommend relying only on the most beneficial ear drops for your specific needs, and that means learning which type works best for your specific ear pain.
There are many drops on the market, and we’ve rounded up the most popular and researched their pros, cons, and their ability to help you based on your symptoms and needs. Here are the most commonly used drops and how they can help you recover.
Ear Drops Product FAQ’s
Ear infections occur when you least expect them, and it’s helpful to have ear drops on hand when symptoms begin. Fast treatment makes it easier to manage the pain associated with an infection or an earache, but we know you have questions about different drops. Here are the answers to your most frequently asked questions about drops before you use them to treat ear infection pain.
1. What Is An Ear Drop?
An eardrop is a liquid medication designed to drop in the ear to relieve pain caused by an inner ear infection. You can purchase drops over the counter or pick up a prescription from your doctor. This liquid medication is designed to dsrop in small doses inside the ear.
2. What Do Drops Do?
Ear drops relieve pain in the inner ear. They can help you feel less pain, congestion, and swelling caused by the bacterial or viral infection in the middle ear. Pain is often more tolerable in adults than it is in children, but it can affect your ability to hear properly. We have seen ear infections cause problems with the equilibrium in some patients, which makes it difficult to stand and even walk. Relief from this is beneficial even if the pain isn’t unmanageable.
3. How Do Drops Work?
These drops work simply, but you must follow the instructions clearly and carefully. They are best administered with the help of another person. The person receiving drops should lie on their side with the infected ear facing upright. The person administering the drops to the ears must wash their hands thoroughly to prevent the further spread of infection.
Drops should only be used at room temperature, and the dropper should never touch anything other than the inside of the container. It should not touch your ear at all. The number of drops that go into the ear depends on what the doctor prescribed or what the over-the-counter instructions recommend based on age. It’s best to remain in this position for at least two minutes after the drops have been administered to help the drops penetrate the ear rather than seep out.
4. Where Do You Buy Drops?
You can buy these drops almost anywhere. They’re available online, in any pharmacy, supermarket, or big box store, and you can have them prescribed by your doctor. If you have a prescription for specific ear drops, you should use those rather than any over-the-counter drops. Your doctor knows what works best for you or your child, and we recommend you follow the doctor’s instructions first and foremost. Do not use prescribed drops in conjunction with over-the-counter drops.
5. What Is The Price Range Of Drops?
The price range of each of the drops we reviewed is approximately $5 to $20. The average cost of drops is around $7. There is a product for every budget, but it is important you consider the number of drops in each bottle compared to the price of the bottle. Some bottles seem more expensive until you notate the size and the number of drops per bottle.
How We Reviewed
All drops were reviewed based on several factors. We considered the ease of use, the price range, the pros and cons of each, and we considered how easy they are to find when you’re in need of an ear drop. We carefully considered each product and its features to help determine which options are best for anyone who suffers an ear infection and need immediate relief from the pain.
Each of the products reviewed comes with its own set of pros and cons, which we also considered. Some products work better for some patients for others, and it’s important we provide you with the most comprehensive and trustworthy list of options available.
Overall Price Range Of This Product
The overall price range of drops meant to alleviate pain from ear infections and water-clogged ears is around $7. Some of the drops are more expensive than others. Most products range from 1 ounce to 2.4 ounces, and there are some that vary a little in either direction. It’s also important to note that some drops come in packages of two, which means they might be less expensive per bottle than an individual bottle. These products are affordable for almost every budget.
What We Reviewed
- Hylands Earache Drops
- Sweet Oil with Dropper, 1 oz, Pure, All Natural Oil
- Wally’s Natural Products Organic Ear Oil
- Oto-Ease Earmold Lubricant
- Swim Ear Water-Drying Aid
- Nutribiotic Ear Drops
- Similasan Ear Relief Ear Drops
- Herb Pharm Mullein/Garlic Herbal Ear Oil
- ENT Essentials All Dry Ear Drying Drops
- Dr. Tobias Ultimate Prebiotic
Hyland’s Earache Drops
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Hyland’s Earache Drops work to provide temporary relief of the pain and side effects associated with an inner ear infection. From fever to pain, these drops help you sleep better, rest, and overcome the difficulties associated with ear infections of the middle ear. Hyland’s is a trusted brand that’s been in business since 1903, which makes it one of the leading manufacturers of earache medication.
- Relieves a host of symptoms associated with ear infections
- Allows better sleep
- Contains 150 drops in one package
- Check CircleMade with all natural ingredients
- Pain relief
You can buy Hyland’s Earache drops for approximately $6 on Amazon. It’s an add-on item with a lower price available if you subscribe and save. It’s also available as a one-time purchase for a few cents more.
Where to Buy?
If your package arrives damaged or the product is compromised, you are entitled to a full refund if you follow the proper channels to request a refund.
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Sweet oil is a product that can be used for more than just an ear infection. These drops are multi-purpose drops you can take advantage of to help remedy snoring issues, moisturizing, and even cooking. The product is affordable, and it is an all-natural product that helps relieve symptoms of ear infections and swimmer’s ear.
- Relieves pain from ear infections and swimmer’s ear
- Remedies snoring
- Made of all-natural ingredients safe for cooking
- This product does not ship internationally
This product can be found on Amazon for approximately $6 per bottle.
Where to Buy?
All warranties are offered through the manufacturer of this product, but a full refund is available from the seller if your product does not arrive or it arrives damaged, opened, or in otherwise questionable condition.
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Wally’s is an all-natural product with the ability to temporarily relieve the pain associated with ear infections. It is made of soothing oils which are organic. The biggest benefit aside from pain relief is its ability to soothe sensitive ears. The added benefit of containing aromatherapy oils helps make it more relaxing for you when you don’t feel well.
- Completely organic and all-natural
- Soothes pain
- Works well for sensitive ears
- More expensive than other drops on the market
- banDoes not ship internationally
This product can go on Amazon for approximately $11 as an individual purchase. You can buy a two pack of Wally’s Natural Products Organic Ear Oil for approximately $19.
Where to Buy?
If your product is not as described, you are entitled to a full refund. If the product is damaged or not properly sealed upon arrival, you can ask for a complete refund.
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Oto-Ease Earmold Lubricant
This brand is designed to help with the pain of an ear infection, but it’s not a brand that’s as well-known as some others on this list. It’s not as widely used, but it comes with high ratings from customers who previously purchased the item and used it to help with their ear infections. It comes as a two-pack, and it’s unavailable in any other form.
- Relieves ear pain from ear infections
- It’s unscented, which is good for anyone sensitive to smell
- It’s water soluble
- There is less information about this product than others
- banIt’s more expensive than other items on the market
- banIt comes in smaller bottles with fewer uses
This product is found on Amazon for approximately $16 for two half-ounce bottles. Overnight shipping is free if you order more than $25 worth of products, and it’s Prime-eligible otherwise.
Where to Buy?
We could not locate any manufacturer warranty information for this product. However, Amazon does offer its buyer protection if the product is damaged or not as described when you buy it.
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This product is best for patients who suffer from hearing issues due to clogged ears. It’s not made to help relieve pain from ear infections in the middle ear, but it is designed to help relieve the pain and discomfort caused by water in the ear. This product is best for athletes who spend ample time in the water.
- Helps relieve discomfort from water in the ears
- Great for athletes who swim
- Comes in a bigger container with more fluid ounces than many other products
- Does not ship internationally
- banDoes not work for pain associated with ear infections
This product can be found on Amazon for around $8 for a 1.6-ounce bottle.
Where to Buy?
The manufacturer guarantees this product is made with only the ingredients listed on the box, and that it will help with water-clogged ears. If the product is not as described, you may qualify for a full refund.
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Nutribiotic Ear Drops
They design these drops to help ease pain found in the inner ear canal. It’s made with grapefruit seed extract and tea tree oil, and it’s safe for both adults and children when it’s used as directed. This product works to ease pain from both ear infections and swimmer’s ear.
- Alleviates pain from ear infections and swimmer’s ear
- Made with natural ingredients as well as other ingredients
- It contains ingredients that are not FDA approved
- banIt does not ship internationally
You can buy this product on Amazon for approximately $7. Shipping is free on any order over $25 or with Amazon Prime.
Where to Buy?
Items that arrived damaged or not as described are eligible for a full refund from the seller.
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Earache symptoms are harsh, and these drops are designed to relieve symptoms quickly and efficiently. This product works to provide temporary relief for both children and adults using homeopathic ingredients. This Swiss-manufactured brand also consists of more than 190 medical treatments for other health issues, and it’s a trusted name-brand in many countries.
- It’s a well-known name brand
- It’s made to relieve pain from any ear problems
- Check CircleIngredients are all homeopathic
- This item does not ship internationally
- banNot all ingredients are FDA approved
This product costs approximately $10 on Amazon for a 2.4-ounce package.
Where to Buy?
If this item does not arrive as described, you are entitled to a refund for the purchase price.
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Herb Pharm Mullein/Garlic Herbal Ear Oil
Herb Pharm is comprised of a mixture of St. John’s Wort, Mullein, and Calendula. Each is a helpful, all-natural ingredient designed to help the body feel relief from pain associated with ear infections and other pain in the ear. Furthermore, it’s an aromatic tool that benefits the body from an aromatherapy standpoint. All herbs are organically grown and sustainable.
- Made from all-natural ingredients
- Made from organic ingredients
- Check CircleMade for use for anyone from ages 1 and up
- Not all statements made by this manufacturer are FDA approved
- banItem is only recommended if you’ve consulted your doctor before use
- banOil must be warmed prior to use, which makes it slightly more time-consuming to use, and runs the risk of burning yourself if overly warmed
This product is available for approximately $10 on Amazon, and it’s eligible for subscribe and save purchases.
Where to Buy?
All items are guaranteed to arrive as shown, and you will receive a refund if they do not.
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ENT Essentials All Dry Ear Drying Drops
ENT is one of the leading drops on the market. It’s designed to clear water that’s trapped in the ears, and it immediately relieves the pain associated with water in the ears. Everyone in the family can use it a there are no age restrictions. It’s effective for any type of water clogging the ears from shower water to athletic swimming. It’s made almost entirely of isopropyl alcohol with a small addition of Anhydrous glycerin base.
- It contains only two recognizable ingredients
- It’s the most affordable ear drop medication on the market
- Check CircleIt’s safe, and it’s fast-acting
- It’s designed to alleviate water clogs in the ears, and it’s less effective for ear infection pain
This ENT Essentials ear drop medication is approximately $5 for a one-ounce package on Amazon.
Where to Buy?
Refunds are available to anyone who does not receive the item as it is described.
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Dr. Tobias Ultimate Prebiotic
A healthy immune system is the best way to prevent ear infections from occurring. It’s not an ear drop, but the Dr. Tobias Ultimate prebiotic is a safe and effective way to promote the growth of healthy bacteria that builds and strengthens the immune system. It’s designed for daily use, and it can help you avoid catching germs that lead to illnesses. Since most ear infections are caused by common colds and other infections, we want to help you find a way to minimize your risk of developing illnesses that cause ear infections.
- It helps prevent illness and infection
- It’s safe for daily use
- Check CircleIt builds your immune system and strengthens it at the same time
- Check CircleIt focuses on improving good bacteria while killing bad bacteria
- It is not an ear drop
- banIt does not help with the pain of ear infections
- banIt does not help with swimmer’s ear or clogged ears
This product can go on Amazon’s website for approximately $21 for a full month supply.
Where to Buy?
This product is guaranteed to arrive in good condition, in proper packaging, and exactly as advertised. If it does not, you are entitled to a full refund.
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The Verdict
Each of the products reviewed is beneficial. Depending on your symptoms and needs, you can choose which drops are right for you and your needs. Adults can benefit from using the Dr. Tobias Ultimate Prebiotic to prevent ear infections from occurring at all. This minimizes your need for drops, and it also helps you avoid becoming ill as your immune system gains strength while you use this supplement.
Many of the products reviewed are good for the entire family, but the Hyland’s brand is one that’s been trusted for children for over a century. It’s the overall best for children, but it’s not the best for swimmer’s ear or clogged ears. If you’re looking for relief from clogged ears, your best option is the ENT Essentials. Items that are FDA approved offer peace of mind, and that’s something we took into consideration when we reviewed each product.
Last update on 2023-04-18 at 02:11 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API