Sometimes we experience dry skin only temporary – in winter for instance – while for some people this is a permanent condition. The symptoms depend on a handful of factors. Some cause the problem; others entertain it. Today, we will go through together this dry skin 101 guide and learn about its causes, symptoms, and treatment choices.
Dry Skin Causes
You can experience temporary dry skin due to environmental factors. Potential causes include:
- Weather conditions and climate: we usually experience periods of dry skin in winter, when our cells suffer because of the low temperatures and dropping levels of humidity; however, if you live in a desert area (or one with frequent extreme heat periods), you will feel your skin dry most of the times.
- Other sources of heat: speaking of our cells losing their natural moisture, we need to factor in the extensive use of central heating, wood-burning stoves, space heaters and fireplaces, floor heating, and so on.
- Long hot baths: if you take long, hot baths and showers, your skin is more vulnerable to drying out; also, if you swim often in heavily chlorinated pools, you are likely to experience the symptoms.
- Harsh products: if you use shampoos, soaps, or detergents that remove excess oil frequently, you are likely to experience the symptoms.
As a lifelong condition, the dry skin comes with some underlying health issues. Eczema, contact dermatitis or seborrheic dermatitis are health conditions that accompany, support, and translate into dry skin.
Dry Skin Symptoms
The intensity of the symptoms has a direct relationship with your age, where you live, the amount of time you spend outdoors, your medical history, and the underlying cause of the problem. Let us see the main signs that should convince you to entertain the idea of using remedies or at least visit your doctor:
- Your skin feels abnormally tight, especially after a bath, swim, or shower
- Your skin looks and feels rough
- Your skin shows symptoms of slight to severe flaking, scaling or peeling
- Your skin shows fine lines and cracks
- Your skin itches or it presents redness patches
- Your skin may look gray
- You experience deep skin cracks that might bleed, especially in winter
Dry Skin Treatment
According to doctors, many symptoms respond well to home remedies. Depending on the extent of dry areas on your body, you can intervene to treat dry skin on legs, or dry skin around eyes. If you simply cannot stand your overall skin tightness, here are some natural dry skin treatments that cover all your face, legs, hands, and body. However, you should see a doctor in case you experience the following:
- Despite your best efforts and home remedies, your skin does not show signs of improvement.
- Redness is the major attribute of your skin
- Itching, scratching, dryness, and discomfort disrupt your sleep and every day life
- Peeling and scaling extend to large areas on your body
- Frequent scratching leads to open sores, bleeding, or infections.
As you can easily figure out, such severe symptoms may lead to the development of health issues such as eczema and infections. They need immediate medical attention.
Before We Depart…
…Remember that moisturizers are your best friends when it comes to dry skin. You should also contemplate a few lifestyle changes as well: drink more water daily, change bathing and showering routines, use a humidifier in the house, etc. How do you deal with your dry skin? What other remedies and treatments do you use?