If you want to have a healthy conditioned hair, you don’t need to spend a lot of money on cosmetic products. You can prepare your own coconut oil hair mask at home, which works miracles. Coconut oil is great for hair, restoring cells, boosting hair growth, and improving scalp health. If you have a dry scalp, the coconut oil hair mask described below will come as a relief.
How to Prepare Your Own [easyazon_link identifier=”B00CPZPYLS” locale=”US” tag=”beautifu0f2-20″]Coconut Oil[/easyazon_link] Hair Mask at Home
First of all, to make a great coconut oil hair mask, you need the following supplies:
- Two tablespoons of organic coconut oil.
- One tablespoon of local honey.
- One tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Choose a raw vinegar.
Making a Coconut Oil Hair Mask – A Step-By-Step Guide
Step 1
Put the coconut oil in a pan and melt it on the stove until it turns liquid. Let it cool off, then put it in a large-enough bowl. Pour the honey in the melted coconut oil and next combine this whole thing with the raw apple cider vinegar. If necessary, you can even warm the honey in the microwave for just a few seconds.
Step 2
Mix all the ingredients and make sure they form an even thick liquid. However, they might separate a little bit. Don’t worry if this happens; it is totally normal. You can stir it once or twice from time to time, even while you apply it on your hair.
Step 3
You can apply the coconut oil hair mask with your hands, although this is probably the hardest way to do it. Instead, try to use a coloring or a pastry brush. This way, the mask will penetrate your locks better. Split your hair into four different and equal parts. Apply the mask on your roots and continue until you reach the locks’ tips. Every time you apply the oil on one of your hair sections, stop for a second and massage your hair using your fingertips.
When you’re done, pile your locks into a bun and leave it like that for about 20 minutes. Finally, you can wash your hair with a gentle, natural shampoo. You will not need a conditioner or any other hair product.
Putting It All Together
A coconut oil hair mask is a great remedy if you have dry hair or unhealthy scalp. It moisturizes your locks, giving them that luscious look you’ve always wanted. If your hair is really dry, you can leave the mask on for more than 20 minutes. You can even use a towel to wrap your head around it while leaving the mask to take its course. Make sure to stay like that for at least an hour, then you can clean your hair with shampoo and water.
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