Coconut oil for acne should be among your first choices when it comes to finding acne remedies. It works miracles, and it clears your skin. This natural beauty product will help you get rid of those pimples in no time. During the day, dirt and sebum clog your pores. Therefore, you need an effective remedy that truly works without being too harsh when applied to your skin. Let’s see how you can use coconut oil to fight against pimples.
Coconut Oil for Acne Face Treatment
You can make your own face mask at home, using the following ingredients:
- Two tablespoons of [easyazon_link identifier=”B00CPZPYLS” locale=”US” tag=”beautifu0f2-20″]coconut oil[/easyazon_link].
- Five tablespoons of [easyazon_link identifier=”B019G9OZ2O” locale=”US” tag=”beautifu0f2-20″]Aloe Vera juice[/easyazon_link].
- Two teaspoons of [easyazon_link identifier=”B000Z93FQC” locale=”US” tag=”beautifu0f2-20″]raw honey[/easyazon_link].
Combine the coconut oil with honey and Aloe Vera juice until they form an even paste. Apply this mask on your face and leave it there for about 20 minutes. Make sure it won’t drip on the floor. You can use a tissue to avoid that, or you can lie down during those 20 minutes. To remove the mask, all you have to do is to rinse your face with warm water. For better results, you should use this coconut oil for acne treatment two times per week.
Benefits of Coconut Oil for Acne
- Boosts your liver’s ability to flush out body toxins. This will keep your skin clearer because it prevents the pores to become clogged with sebum.
- Energizes your cells so that you will get rid of toxins through your skin which also leads to sebum production balancing. Less sebum means less oily skin.
- Cleans your colon of toxins by stimulating your bowel movements (in case you use the coconut oil treatment as an oral medication).
- Removes your skin’s dead cells layers and unclogs your pores. This will further lead to preventing acne breakouts.
- Balances your body overall sebum secretion, keeping your complexion smooth, clean, and acne-free.
Does Coconut Oil Cause Acne?
Although some say that oil can cause pimples instead of treating them, coconut oil for acne has plenty of benefits for your skin and health. However, you must know the proper way to use it. If you are allergic to this kind of products, you should avoid putting coconut oil on your face. Also, make sure to use the right dosage.
Another reason of why this treatment might not work is the product’s quality. Purchase it only from safe places and credited stores. Follow our recommendations on how to recognize good-quality coconut oil for acne:
- The oil should be transparent. Don’t purchase a product that has a yellow or brown color because it might be fake.
- Price matters. Very cheap oils are usually of a poor quality.
- High-quality coconut oil smells faintly not poignant.
Summing It Up
As you can see, coconut oil for acne is a great natural remedy that helps you get rid of pimples and gain a smoother and clearer skin. Make sure to buy the best organic oil you can afford and test it on a small are of your body to see whether or not you are allergic to it. High-quality oils are safe even for babies.
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