Need beauty advice? Don’t look any further! These 50 best beauty tips cover it all.
Via: Huffington Post
To help you make 2013 a huge sartorial success, we recently brought you 50 of the best fashion tips of all time. And now, we turn our attention to beauty. Feast your eyes on 50 of our favorite get-beautiful tips.
We scoured the net for every bit of advice we could find, and threw some ideas of our own in for good measure. From basic beauty dos (wear sunscreen every day) to don’ts (avoid popping pimples) as well as obscure secrets (beer and vinegar rinses?), you’ll find advice to keep you as beauty-full as ever.
Go ahead, get gorgeous!
Freeze Your Eyeliner
Does your eyeliner constantly crumble while putting it on? Our friends at You Beauty recommend leaving it in the freezer for 15 minutes prior to applying your makeup. It should glide along your lash line seamlessly after that.
Shave With Conditioner
If you’re out of shaving cream, lather your legs with conditioner instead of soap. Conditioner will soften the hair on your legs making it easier to shave (and it will leave your skin feeling extra silky).
Source: You Beauty
Rinse Hair With Beer Or Vinegar
Rinsing your hair with beer helps restore moisture to your locks while using vinegar will up the ante in shine. Soak your hair in either liquid (not at the same time) for a few minutes, then rinse with cold water.
Source: You Beauty
Turn Up The Heat
For curlier, flirtier lashes, the experts at You Beauty recommend heating your lash curler with a hair dryer for five to eight seconds before curling them.
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